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About the SAC

About the Student Advisory Committee (SAC)

What is the HESAA Student Advisory Committee (SAC)?

The SAC is established by the HESAA Board to foster broad, balanced representation of students attending colleges and universities in the Garden State. Committee members meet with HESAA staff to discuss and provide feedback on policies and regulations governing State student financial aid programs. HESAA is the agency statutorily responsible for administrative oversight of New Jersey State student financial assistance programs. The Committee is governed by State regulations and HESAA Board policies.

The Committee is comprised of no more than nine undergraduate students, all of whom must attend a Tuition Aid Grant (TAG)-eligible New Jersey institution of higher education (IHE).

Student representation on the Committee is comprised of at least one, but no more than three, members from each of the following New Jersey collegiate institutional sectors:

  • Rutgers, The State University
  • Public Four-Year Research Universities
    • Kean University; Montclair State University, New Jersey Institute of Technology; and Rowan University
  • Public Four-Year State Colleges/Universities
  • Public Two-Year Community Colleges
  • Independent Colleges/Universities

The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the SAC, elected by the Committee, serve as voting members on the HESAA Board.

Who is eligible to serve on the SAC?

To serve on the HESAA SAC, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a full-time undergraduate student at a TAG-eligible IHE at the time of applying;
  • Be a full-time undergraduate student at a TAG-eligible IHE during the academic year for which the student is applying;
  • Be a New Jersey resident;
  • Be a United States citizen, eligible non-citizen (i.e. lawful permanent resident), or eligible to file the New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application.

What does the SAC do for the students of New Jersey?

The SAC provides New Jersey undergraduates the opportunity to assist in shaping New Jersey student financial aid policy. Direct input from those who benefit most from higher education programs, products, and services—New Jersey students—is fundamental to making informed public policy decisions. SAC members engage regularly with fellow students throughout the State, campus officials, HESAA Board members, and HESAA staff. SAC members also hold two representative voting seats on the HESAA Board. The SAC works to represent the collective voice and best interests of all students in the State.

Becoming a member of the SAC

What is the term of service?

Each term is one academic year (July through June), beginning with a mandatory in-person orientation in late June to kick-off the upcoming term, which formally begins in July.

How do I apply to serve on the SAC?

To apply, complete the application on the HESAA website and click on “SUBMIT”. Both new and current SAC members seeking reappointment, must complete the annual application process. There is no application fee.

Where can I get an application?

You can access the application by clicking on this link, Application.

When is the deadline?

Completed applications for the Student Advisory Committee are due April 25, 2025.

How are members selected?

Applications are reviewed by HESAA staff. Selection is based on:

  • Familiarity with financial aid and financial aid applications;
  • Experience (work, volunteer, extra-curricular) and how it can benefit SAC;
  • Responses to questions about how the applicant will be a valuable addition to the SAC.

Preference is given to returning SAC members who actively participated in the past.

When and where are SAC meetings held?

  • Mandatory SAC Orientation: Held on a Friday in late June, in-person at the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, located at 2 Quakerbridge Plaza in Mercerville.
  • Regular Meetings: The SAC meets a minimum of four (4) additional times throughout the year. Meetings are typically held virtually on Fridays prior to HESAA Board meetings, and last about 1.5 hours. SAC members may schedule additional meetings, as needed.
  • HESAA Board Meetings: The Chair and Vice Chair attend the HESAA Board of Directors meetings, occurring a minimum of four (4) times a year. The remaining SAC members are encouraged to attend as members of the public.

What is expected of SAC members?

SAC members have two primary responsibilities:

  • Advising HESAA on student perspectives regarding college financial aid policies in New Jersey
  • Fostering communication between HESAA and students.

Attendance at committee meetings is required in order to stay informed on important issues and to ensure a broad, balanced representation of students’ views. SAC members also bring their unique perspectives to committee discussions on varying topics, contributing to decisions that affect students across the state. Leadership opportunities are available for those students interested in taking on more intensive roles.

Where can I get more Information about the SAC?

For more information or questions, please contact Jennifer Martin at: