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Advisory Committee on Student Aid

The New Jersey Advisory Committee on Student Aid (NJACSA) includes representatives from the financial aid community, lender community, graduate school community, non-traditional school community and bursar's association. Committee representatives provide valuable recommendations and guidance to HESAA on the operations and policies of all grant, scholarship and loan programs currently administered by the authority.

2022-2023 Committee Members

County College Sector

Karyn Arnold

Associate Director of Financial Aid
Brookdale Community College

765 Newman Springs Road
Lincroft, NJ, 07738-1597
Ph: (732) 224-2362
Fax: (732) 224-2003
Email: karnold@brookdalecc.edu

NJ BURSARS Representative

Ryan Terrell

Director of Student Accounts
Stockton University

101 Vera King Farris Drive, Galloway, NJ 08205
Ph: 609-652-4909
Email: Ryan.Terrell@stockton.edu


Ruben Melendez

EOF Director
Kean University

1033 Springfield Avenue
Cranford, NJ 07016
Ph: (908) 274-1206
Email: rmelende@kean.edu


Ivon Nunez

Director of Student Financial Aid Services
New Jersey Institute of Technology

University Heights
Newark, NJ 07102
Ph: (973) 596-3476
Fax: (973) 596-6471
Email: ivon.nunez@njit.edu

EOF/Department of the Secretary of Higher Education Representative

Dr. Hasani Carter

Statewide EOF Executive Director

EOF Program
Office of the Secretary of Higher Education
1 John Fitch Plaza, 10th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625-0542
Ph: 609 341-3808
Email: hasani.carter@oshe.nj.gov

Rutgers Representative

Jean McDonald-Rash

Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
University Enrollment Services
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

57 U.S. 1
New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08901
Email: jean.rash@ues.rutgers.edu

NJASFAA Representative

Rabbi Gedalya Green

Associate Director of Financial Aid
Beth Medrash Govoha of America

601 Private Way
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Ph: (732) 367-1060 ext. 4358
Fax: (732) 367-4728
Email: ggreen@bmg.edu

State College and Universities Representative

Wil Casaine

Executive Director of Financial Aid
Division of Enrollment Management
The College of New Jersey

2000 Pennington Road
Ewing Township, NJ 08618
Ph: (609) 771-3098
Fax: (609)637-5154
Email: casainew@tcnj.edu

Graduate Representative


Non-Traditional Sector


Independent Sector